
可以尝试下方方法,手动注册Windows Update组件:
1.同时按【Win+X】键,点选【Windows PowerShell(管理员)】

4.运行Windows Update
$arch = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Processor -ComputerName LocalHost | Select-Object AddressWidth
Write-Host "1. Stopping Windows Update Services..."
Stop-Service -Name BITS
Stop-Service -Name wuauserv
Stop-Service -Name appidsvc
Stop-Service -Name cryptsvc
Write-Host "2. Remove QMGR Data file..."
Remove-Item "$env:allusersprofileApplication DataMicrosoftNetworkDownloaderqmgr*.dat" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "3. Renaming the Software Distribution and CatRoot Folder..."
Rename-Item $env:systemrootSoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Rename-Item $env:systemrootSystem32Catroot2 catroot2.bak -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "4. Removing old Windows Update log..."
Remove-Item $env:systemrootWindowsUpdate.log -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Host "5. Resetting the Windows Update Services to defualt settings..."
Set-Location $env:systemrootsystem32
Write-Host "6. Registering some DLLs..."
regsvr32.exe /s atl.dll
regsvr32.exe /s urlmon.dll
regsvr32.exe /s mshtml.dll
regsvr32.exe /s shdocvw.dll
regsvr32.exe /s browseui.dll
regsvr32.exe /s jscript.dll
regsvr32.exe /s vbscript.dll
regsvr32.exe /s scrrun.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml3.dll
regsvr32.exe /s msxml6.dll
regsvr32.exe /s actxprxy.dll
regsvr32.exe /s softpub.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wintrust.dll
regsvr32.exe /s dssenh.dll
regsvr32.exe /s rsaenh.dll
regsvr32.exe /s gpkcsp.dll
regsvr32.exe /s sccbase.dll
regsvr32.exe /s slbcsp.dll
regsvr32.exe /s cryptdlg.dll
regsvr32.exe /s oleaut32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s ole32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s shell32.dll
regsvr32.exe /s initpki.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuapi.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuaueng1.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wucltui.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wups.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wups2.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuweb.dll
regsvr32.exe /s qmgr.dll
regsvr32.exe /s qmgrprxy.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wucltux.dll
regsvr32.exe /s muweb.dll
regsvr32.exe /s wuwebv.dll
Write-Host "7) Removing WSUS client settings..."
REG DELETE "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdate" /v AccountDomainSid /f
REG DELETE "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdate" /v PingID /f
REG DELETE "HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionWindowsUpdate" /v SusClientId /f
Write-Host "8) Resetting the WinSock..."
netsh winsock reset
netsh winhttp reset proxy
Write-Host "9) Delete all BITS jobs..."
Get-BitsTransfer | Remove-BitsTransfer
Write-Host "10) Attempting to install the Windows Update Agent..."
if($arch -eq 64){
wusa Windows8-RT-KB2937636-x64 /quiet
wusa Windows8-RT-KB2937636-x86 /quiet
Write-Host "11) Starting Windows Update Services..."
Start-Service -Name BITS
Start-Service -Name wuauserv
Start-Service -Name appidsvc
Start-Service -Name cryptsvc
Write-Host "12) Forcing discovery..."
wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow
Write-Host "Process complete. Please reboot your computer."
JUJUMAO Win7旗舰版 X64 X86 纯净版v2020.04
2【纯净之家】Windows7 64位 最新纯净版
3【纯净之家】Windows7 SP1 64位 全补丁旗舰版
4【电脑公司】Windows7 64位 免费旗舰版
5【国庆献礼】JUJUMAO Win7 SP1 64位旗舰克隆纯净版
6【深度技术】Windows7 64位 精简旗舰版
7【深度技术】Windows7 32位 精简旗舰版
8【老机专用】Windows7 32位 精简旗舰版
9【纯净之家】Windows7 64位 官方专业版
10【纯净之家】Windows7 SP1 64位 办公旗舰版
【纯净之家】Windows10 22H2 64位 纯净专业版
2【纯净之家】Windows10 22H2 64位 专业工作站版
4【纯净之家】Windows10 22H2 64位 官方正式版
5JUJUMAO Win8.1 Up3 X64 极速精简版v2019.11
6【纯净之家】Windows10企业版LTSC2021 纯净版
7联想Lenovo Windows10 22H2 64位专业版
8萝卜家园win10娱乐装机版64位系统 V2023
9【纯净之家】Windows10 22H2 64位 游戏优化版
10系统之家 Win10 纯净版ISO文件
【纯净之家】Windows11 24H2 64位 专业精简版
2【纯净之家】Windows11 23H2 64位 官方正式版
3【纯净之家】Windows11 23H2 64位 游戏优化版
4【纯净之家】Windows11 23H2 64位 最新企业版
5JUJUMAO Win11 24H2 64位 专业版镜像
6【纯净之家】Windows11 23H2 64位 专业工作站版
7【纯净之家】Windows11 23H2 64位 纯净专业版
8深度精简 Win11 ESD 全新优化纯净版V2024
10【纯净之家】Windows11 23H2 64位 中文家庭版
深度技术 GHOST XP SP3 电脑专用版 V2017.03
2深度技术 GGHOST XP SP3 电脑专用版 V2017.02
3Win7系统下载 PCOS技术Ghost WinXP SP3 2017 夏季装机版
4萝卜家园 GHOST XP SP3 万能装机版 V2017.03
5番茄花园 GHOST XP SP3 极速体验版 V2017.03
6雨林木风 GHOST XP SP3 官方旗舰版 V2017.03
7电脑公司 GHOST XP SP3 经典旗舰版 V2017.03
8雨林木风GHOST XP SP3完美纯净版【V201710】已激活
9萝卜家园 GHOST XP SP3 完美装机版 V2016.10
10雨林木风 GHOST XP SP3 精英装机版 V2017.04
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